Purchasing hardware#

Pre-assembled Glasgow devices and cases are available for purchase from the stores listed below.

As Glasgow is open hardware, you also have the option of building a device yourself!

Shipping timelines#

The CrowdSupply campaign was fully funded on February 2nd, 2021. The Early Bird devices were shipped to Mouser on September 30th, 2023. Understandably, many people have questions about their past or planned purchase, including:

  • When will my non Early Bird unit ship?

  • If I purchase a unit now, when will it ship?

The campaign was deeply impacted by additional manufacturing challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, semiconductor and passive component shortages on top of the more usual and well-known ones. The answers to both of these questions is: It ships when it ships.

We do work hard to get more hardware manufactured and shipped as soon as possible. If you want more recent updates than the CrowdSupply published updates, keep an eye on our chat channels. We also have a weekly developer meeting where @esden provides CrowdSupply campaign progress updates.

Please also note that the efforts to design and support the Glasgow hardware and software and the efforts to manufacture it are separate—the volunteers developing and maintaining the project do not benefit from sales.