REPL & script operation#

What is “REPL”?#

If you’ve ever typed python3 into a terminal, or found yourself looking at the three angle brackets (>>>), then you’ll have some idea of what we’re referring to. It stands for “Read Eval Print Loop”, and is a fundamental way of interacting with many interpreted languages (including Bash and JavaScript, alongside Python).

By invoking glasgow repl ... you can gain interactive code-level access to the applet of your choice.


As always, please make sure you select the correct I/O and supply voltage for whatever you have connected to your Glasgow.

$ glasgow repl i2c-initiator -V 3.3 --pulls
I: g.device.hardware: generating bitstream ID f030465844b160e664799138b54ee2c7
I: g.cli: running handler for applet 'i2c-initiator'
I: g.applet.interface.i2c_initiator: port(s) A, B voltage set to 3.3 V
I: g.applet.interface.i2c_initiator: dropping to REPL; use 'help(iface)' to see available APIs

What happens now is entirely up to you — glasgow script ... is given an identical environment, except that it will run the nominated script rather than present control to you.

The Glasgow framework provides us with access to the device, iface and args variables.

>>> locals().keys()
dict_keys(['__name__', 'device', 'iface', 'args', '__builtins__'])


Some examples are maintained in the examples directory.

One further note — a lot of the Glasgow framework uses asyncio, with the most apparent impact to users being that the await keyword must be used. You are provided with an async-capable environment, so no additional setup work is required on your part — just use the await keyword… if you ever see a <coroutine object ....>, try using await.

How do I use this interface?#

The exact usage will depend heavily on the applet you’ve requested, some examples are provided below with explanations.

As the startup prompt suggests, investigating help(iface) and help(device) are good places to start… after that, have a look at the applet’s code.


For this example, I will be using the Sparkfun BMP085 (a now-retired breakout for an I²C barometric pressure sensor), which supports 3.3v operation.


I²C busses are implemented using open-drain, meaning that pull-up resistors are required… Glasgow’s onboard 10kΩ pull-ups can be enabled by passing the --pulls argument — while they will generally be enough, they may not suffice for fast or long busses. This particular breakout board has on-board pull-ups already, so it’s not necessary to use them.

$ glasgow repl i2c-initiator -V 3.3
I: g.device.hardware: device already has bitstream ID f030465844b160e664799138b54ee2c7
I: g.cli: running handler for applet 'i2c-initiator'
I: g.applet.interface.i2c_initiator: port(s) A, B voltage set to 3.3 V
I: g.applet.interface.i2c_initiator: dropping to REPL; use 'help(iface)' to see available APIs

Let’s start with a bus scan:

>>> await iface.scan()

Address 119 has responded, which is 0x77 — and this matches the datasheet!

This sensor isn’t the easiest to operate directly (you need to read a number of calibration variables and perform long calculations), so this is a great example of when you might want to start writing a script instead of using the REPL interface… however, to prove the point, we’re going to read a register and leave the rest as an exercise for the reader.

If you’re familiar with I²C, you’ll know that a common convention is for the target register address to be conveyed as the first portion of a write’s payload, with a subsequent read accessing the data from that location, with addresses incrementing automatically. Here we read the AC1 value, which is a 16-bit integer stored at addresses 0xAA and 0xAB — first by writing the 0xAA base address, and then performing a 2-byte read.

>>> await iface.write(119, [ 0xAA ])
>>> await, 2)
<memory at 0x7fda35b22200>
>>> _.hex()

Note here, that the read operation returned a memory view, perhaps not what was expected… we can still access the result without repeating the operation by using Python’s _ variable (ref). If we were to only re-issue the, then we would retrieve the contents of registers 0xAC and 0xAD (i.e: perhaps not what was expected).


To demonstrate a simple UART loopback, I’ve connected pin 0 and 1 of Port A together… i.e: anything that we transmit, will be immediately received again by us.

$ glasgow repl uart -V 3.3
I: g.device.hardware: device already has bitstream ID 067aee2e95ca0facf53eddbf5b092d50
I: g.cli: running handler for applet 'uart'
I: g.applet.interface.uart: port(s) A, B voltage set to 3.3 V
I: g.applet.interface.uart: dropping to REPL; use 'help(iface)' to see available APIs

Again, we simply call the iface.write() and functions to handle transmit and receive…

>>> await iface.write(b'hello!')
>>> await
<memory at 0x7f54c959a680>
>>> bytes(_)

The UART applet also keeps track of some statistics for us:

>>> iface.statistics()
I: g.applet.interface.uart: FIFO statistics:
I: g.applet.interface.uart:   read total    : 6 B
I: g.applet.interface.uart:   written total : 6 B
I: g.applet.interface.uart:   reads waited  : 0.000 s
I: g.applet.interface.uart:   writes waited : 0.002 s
I: g.applet.interface.uart:   read stalls   : 0
I: g.applet.interface.uart:   write stalls  : 1
I: g.applet.interface.uart:   read wakeups  : 0
I: g.applet.interface.uart:   write wakeups : 1


I’ve got a quarter of an Adafruit 60 LED ring… that’s 15x WS2812 RGB LEDs.


Due to some buffering artifacts, make sure you write a whole frame at once!

$ glasgow repl video-ws2812-output -V 5 -c 15 -b 1 -f RGB-xBRG --pins-out 0
I: g.device.hardware: device already has bitstream ID d8987a037e451abe4ffa1b6f76fd1116
I: g.cli: running handler for applet 'video-ws2812-output'
I: port(s) A, B voltage set to 5.0 V
I: dropping to REPL; use 'help(iface)' to see available APIs

Next, we just write pixel data! Glasgow handles the pixel format mapping for us, and because we requested RGB-xBRG, the conversion from RGB24 (three bytes per pixel) will be handled in hardware. The xBRG indicates that we’re giving a constand 0 for the White channel, followed by the required order of Red, Green, and Blue.

They’re bright, so be careful of your eyes (I used 1 for a reason)… here’s a strip of green pixels:

>>> await iface.write([ 0,1,0 ] * args.count)

A 3-bit rainbow: (black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white)

>>> from itertools import chain
>>> pix = ( (n&1, n&2, n&4) for n in range(args.count) )    # counter to 3-bit colors
>>> pix = chain.from_iterable(pix)                          # flatten to 1 dimension
>>> pix = map(lambda v: 1 if v else 0, pix)                 # flatten to 0 or 1
>>> pix = [ *pix ]                                          # make into a list for re-use
>>> await iface.write(pix)                                  # display it

And all off again, followed by a full power-down of the I/O:

>>> await iface.write([ 0,0,0 ] * args.count)
>>> await device.set_voltage('AB', 0)

Hopefully this example starts to show you the power you have available.

How do I use a script?#

Scripts operate in exactly the same way as the REPL interface — the only real difference is that instead of you typing (or copy/pasting) the code, it will be read from the nominated file. This allows you to build up much more sophisticated things, harnessing the power of Glasgow without touching any applet code directly.

See the PCF8574 example for a simple demo.

Can I use command line arguments?#

Yes! The args variable that is passed into the REPL and script environments contains all command line arguments that Glasgow sets up (including any defaults), along with a script_args member which contains anything after the first terminating --.

Of course you’re also able to setup argparse or do whatever argument parsing you need to do — see the script args example.

$ glasgow repl i2c-initiator -V 3.3 --pulls -- test me
I: g.device.hardware: device already has bitstream ID f030465844b160e664799138b54ee2c7
I: g.cli: running handler for applet 'i2c-initiator'
I: g.applet.interface.i2c_initiator: port(s) A, B voltage set to 3.3 V
I: g.applet.interface.i2c_initiator: dropping to REPL; use 'help(iface)' to see available APIs
>>> args
Namespace(verbose=0, quiet=0, log_file=None, filter_log=None, show_statistics=False, serial=None, action='repl', override_required_revision=False, reload=False, prebuilt=False, bitstream=None, trace=None, applet='i2c-initiator', port_spec='AB', pin_scl=0, pin_sda=1, bit_rate=100, voltage=3.3, mirror_voltage=False, keep_voltage=False, pulls=True, script_args=['test', 'me'])
>>> args.script_args
['test', 'me']